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file Question Missing data

  • Jacoline
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1 year 4 days ago - 1 year 4 days ago #21 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

This is very confusing! I have tried different browsers on both Linux and Windows but it works. So I think this can be a problem that comes from the web server. When I looked at your profile and I found out that your site is hosted by webhosting.dk, and when I looked up their site I could get PHP information which says that they use PHP 7.3.33.
Can you please check this for you webtrees! Go to Control panel end select Server information. There you can see which PHP version your webtrees is using.

Beware that webtrees requires PHP 8.x! I had some trouble before my webhost changed!

By my host I have access to php 7.4 and php 8.3 and all php versions between. Atm I am using vs. php 8.1.27 for my installations.

Well I right ticked at the list and choosed (copy link) the link is right with subfolder ect. But somehow it convert the link without.. 

Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

Last edit: 1 year 4 days ago by Jacoline.

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1 year 4 days ago #22 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
Hm... So it is a browser problem after all. Which browser do you use? I will try to url-encode the link, which seems to be unnecessary in the browsers I have tested (Firefox, Chrome, Edge) but that is probobly required to fulfill the standard.
To solve this is a challenge I enjoy!

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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1 year 4 days ago #23 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
Just update app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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  • Jacoline
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1 year 4 days ago #24 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

Hm... So it is a browser problem after all. Which browser do you use? I will try to url-encode the link, which seems to be unnecessary in the browsers I have tested (Firefox, Chrome, Edge) but that is probobly required to fulfill the standard.
To solve this is a challenge I enjoy!

I use chrome and firefox - and it did not change anything. And I also just moved to php8.2

Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

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1 year 4 days ago #25 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
This message contains secure information

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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  • Jacoline
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1 year 4 days ago #26 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

This message contains secure information

You enclosed a file? Diff. Than the others. What to do?

Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

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1 year 4 days ago #27 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
I sent this as a private message but it may have ended up somewhere else. Anyway, this was my message:
Now I have come to a dead end, this problem is unsolvable without more help!
If you have the time and possibility to help me with an experiment I will be happy:
- replace the file app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php with the attached debug version
(it had to be compressed so you must unzip it first)
- try the missing data report once more, that will generate a file at at the top of your webtrees installation, name "base_url.log",
- please send a copy of that file to me so that I can see which variables are available to use

Thanks for your cooperation! :)

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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  • Jacoline
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1 year 3 days ago #28 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

I sent this as a private message but it may have ended up somewhere else. Anyway, this was my message:
Now I have come to a dead end, this problem is unsolvable without more help!
If you have the time and possibility to help me with an experiment I will be happy:
- replace the file app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php with the attached debug version
(it had to be compressed so you must unzip it first)
- try the missing data report once more, that will generate a file at at the top of your webtrees installation, name "base_url.log",
- please send a copy of that file to me so that I can see which variables are available to use

Thanks for your cooperation! :)

Where to send it?

Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

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1 year 3 days ago #29 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
Send it to my email seved.2.torstendahl@telia.com (it is in my profile).

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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  • Jacoline
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1 year 3 days ago #30 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

Send it to my email seved.2.torstendahl@telia.com (it is in my profile).


Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

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1 year 3 days ago - 1 year 3 days ago #31 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
The report for missing facts is now updated to support "pretty urls" which caused earlier versions to fail.
A new zip archive is created with the files that need to be updated. The zip archive new-modules.zip is still valid.

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/
Last edit: 1 year 3 days ago by sevtor.

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  • Jacoline
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1 year 3 days ago #32 by Jacoline
Replied by Jacoline on topic Missing data

The report for missing facts is now updated to support "pretty urls" which caused earlier versions to fail.
A new zip archive is created with the files that need to be updated. The zip archive new-modules.zip is still valid.

Thank you - now I have a work list I can use. I am happy - THANK YOU :)

Still a noob
(1st installation at 7-21-2010)

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1 year 3 days ago #33 by HerzScheisse
Replied by HerzScheisse on topic Missing data
Hey @sevtor ,

a big thank you! for all the work you put into this modules and to get them updated... i really apprechiate your modifications...

Maybe i'm doing something wrong or dont understand it well...

I've downlaoded the (last updated from you last post) 2 zip packages and installed/applied them in their required folders...

your new modules work... But i'm getting a error message for a couple of the basic modules
Class "Fisharebest\webtrees\DB" not found …/app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php:2186 #0 …/app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php(320): Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\ReportParserGenerate->listStartHandler(Array) #1 …/app/Report/ReportParserBase.php(70): Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\ReportParserGenerate->startElement(Object(XMLParser), 'List', Array) #2 [internal function]: Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\ReportParserBase->Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\{closure}(Object(XMLParser), 'List', Array) #3 …/app/Report/ReportParserBase.php(87): xml_parse(Object(XMLParser), '<?xml version="...', false) #4 …/app/Report/ReportParserGenerate.php(207): Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\ReportParserBase->__construct('/www/htdocs/w01...') #5 …/app/Http/RequestHandlers/ReportGenerate.php(117): Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\ReportParserGenerate->__construct('/www/htdocs/w01...', Object(Fisharebest\webtrees\Report\PdfRenderer), Array, Object(Fisharebest\webtrees\Tree)) #6 …/app/Http/Middleware/RequestHandler.php(55): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\RequestHandlers\ReportGenerate->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #7 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\RequestHandler->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) [b]#8 …/modules_v4/vesta_research_suggestions/ResearchSuggestionsModule.php(277): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))[/b] #9 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Cissee\webtrees\Module\ResearchSuggestions\ResearchSuggestionsModule->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) [b]#10 …/modules_v4/family-tree-home/module.php(77): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))[/b] #11 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Module\AbstractModule@anonymous->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) [b]#12 …/modules_v4/faces/src/Modules/FacesModule.php(94): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))[/b] #13 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): UksusoFF\webtreesModules\Faces\Modules\FacesModule->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) [b]#14 …/modules_v4/repository_hierarchy/RepositoryHierarchy.php(1569): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest))[/b] #15 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Jefferson49\webtrees\Module\RepositoryHierarchyNamespace\RepositoryHierarchy->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #16 …/app/Module/HitCountFooterModule.php(154): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #17 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Module\HitCountFooterModule->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #18 …/app/Module/CheckForNewVersion.php(122): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #19 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Module\CheckForNewVersion->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #20 …/app/Http/Middleware/CheckCsrf.php(80): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #21 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\CheckCsrf->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #22 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(118): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #23 …/app/webtrees.php(275): Middleland\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #24 …/app/Http/Middleware/Router.php(161): Fisharebest\webtrees\webtrees::dispatch(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Array) #25 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\Router->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #26 …/app/Http/Middleware/BootModules.php(58): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #27 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\BootModules->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #28 …/app/Http/Middleware/RegisterGedcomTags.php(54): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #29 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\RegisterGedcomTags->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #30 …/app/Http/Middleware/LoadRoutes.php(75): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #31 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\LoadRoutes->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #32 …/app/Http/Middleware/CheckForNewVersion.php(57): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #33 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\CheckForNewVersion->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #34 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseTransaction.php(45): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #35 …/vendor/illuminate/database/Concerns/ManagesTransactions.php(29): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseTransaction::Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Database\MySqlConnection)) #36 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseTransaction.php(46): Illuminate\Database\Connection->transaction(Object(Closure), 3) #37 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseTransaction->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #38 …/app/Http/Middleware/DoHousekeeping.php(71): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #39 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\DoHousekeeping->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #40 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseTheme.php(67): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #41 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseTheme->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #42 …/app/Http/Middleware/CheckForMaintenanceMode.php(51): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #43 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #44 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseLanguage.php(69): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #45 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseLanguage->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #46 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseSession.php(78): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #47 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseSession->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #48 …/app/Http/Middleware/UpdateDatabaseSchema.php(57): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #49 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UpdateDatabaseSchema->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #50 …/app/Http/Middleware/UseDatabase.php(122): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #51 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\UseDatabase->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #52 …/app/Http/Middleware/BadBotBlocker.php(293): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #53 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\BadBotBlocker->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #54 …/app/Http/Middleware/CompressResponse.php(71): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #55 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\CompressResponse->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #56 …/app/Http/Middleware/ContentLength.php(40): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #57 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\ContentLength->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #58 …/vendor/middlewares/client-ip/src/ClientIp.php(65): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #59 …/app/Http/Middleware/ClientIp.php(47): Middlewares\ClientIp->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #60 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\ClientIp->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #61 …/app/Http/Middleware/HandleExceptions.php(89): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #62 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\HandleExceptions->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #63 …/app/Http/Middleware/BaseUrl.php(73): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #64 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\BaseUrl->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #65 …/app/Http/Middleware/ReadConfigIni.php(68): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #66 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\ReadConfigIni->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #67 …/app/Http/Middleware/SecurityHeaders.php(48): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #68 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\SecurityHeaders->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #69 …/app/Http/Middleware/EmitResponse.php(57): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #70 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(136): Fisharebest\webtrees\Http\Middleware\EmitResponse->process(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Object(Middleland\Dispatcher)) #71 …/vendor/oscarotero/middleland/src/Dispatcher.php(118): Middleland\Dispatcher->handle(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #72 …/app/webtrees.php(275): Middleland\Dispatcher->dispatch(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest)) #73 …/app/webtrees.php(262): Fisharebest\webtrees\webtrees::dispatch(Object(Nyholm\Psr7\ServerRequest), Array) #74 …/index.php(51): Fisharebest\webtrees\webtrees->httpRequest() #75 {main}

Do you have a idea where the issue is and how to fix?


webtrees 2.1.20 - modules: all vesta, faces, legal notice, privacy policy, fancy treeview, fancy research links
Linux Ubuntu | PHP 8.3.3 | MariaDB 10.5.23 | rewrite_urls="1"
My genealogy site: www.eisold.family

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1 year 3 days ago - 1 year 3 days ago #34 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
The interface to the database has a cosmetic change in version 2.2.x of webtrees. Two lines have to be changed in ReportParserGenerate.php and therefore two versions of new_reports are added, one for 2.1.x and one for 2.2.x!

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/
Last edit: 1 year 3 days ago by sevtor.

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1 year 3 days ago - 1 year 3 days ago #35 by HerzScheisse
Replied by HerzScheisse on topic Missing data
Thanks! Awesome... with the 2.1.x zip version it works...

now i have another problem... I provided you the translations of the new 4 report modules for german on github...

but cant get them to work...

i tried:
- adding the "de" folder under the lang folder with messages.po/messages.mo files
- also renamed them from messages to de.po/de.mo
- also tried to add de.po/de.mo in the lang folder
- also cleared cache serval time between all these changes

what i'm doing wrong?

thanks again for you valued help.

webtrees 2.1.20 - modules: all vesta, faces, legal notice, privacy policy, fancy treeview, fancy research links
Linux Ubuntu | PHP 8.3.3 | MariaDB 10.5.23 | rewrite_urls="1"
My genealogy site: www.eisold.family
Last edit: 1 year 3 days ago by HerzScheisse. Reason: typos

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1 year 2 days ago #36 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data
So far I have not figured out how the translation will be included. I just copied the way other modules are done but it is probably different for reports? I will look into this but it will take some time. In the mean time you can manually add the translation to the file resources/lang/de/messages.php !

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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1 year 2 days ago - 1 year 2 days ago #37 by Franz Frese
Replied by Franz Frese on topic Missing data
Do not use the translation files within webtrees!
They will be overwritten.
Do the translation within the modules_v4 part of your code(, as po-files,...)

If the translation is not part of a module, you have to extend your pull request for webtrees.
The php-files of translation are autogenerated from the po - files.
Last edit: 1 year 2 days ago by Franz Frese.

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1 year 2 days ago #38 by HerzScheisse
Replied by HerzScheisse on topic Missing data

So far I have not figured out how the translation will be included. I just copied the way other modules are done but it is probably different for reports? ...
yeah i also checked how other modules have done it... I'm not yet familiar with how the translations are done and can be extended...
thanks, will try the .php version...

webtrees 2.1.20 - modules: all vesta, faces, legal notice, privacy policy, fancy treeview, fancy research links
Linux Ubuntu | PHP 8.3.3 | MariaDB 10.5.23 | rewrite_urls="1"
My genealogy site: www.eisold.family

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1 year 2 days ago #39 by sevtor
Replied by sevtor on topic Missing data

Do not use the translation files within webtrees!
They will be overwritten.
Do the translation within the modules_v4 part of your code(, as po-files,...)
Actually, that is what I tried. The report modules have po-files <module name>/resources/lang/sv/messages.po but the main file webtrees/resources/lang/sv/messages.php is not updated. There must be some trick initiate regeneration of this file.
Do you know what to do? Thanks!

webtrees 2.1.18, php 8.1.27, torstendahl.se/demo/

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1 year 2 days ago #40 by Franz Frese
Replied by Franz Frese on topic Missing data
delete the php - file and it is auto recreated

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